…ll the day/all day.

4.    It was a terrible fire. Whole building/The whole build­ing was destroyed.

5.    I've been trying to phone her all day but every time/all the time I phone her the line is engaged.

6.    I don't like the weather here. It rains every time/all the time.

1.    When I was on holiday, all my luggage/my whole lug­gage was stolen.

Reciprocal pronouns

each                            other

one                          another

Study the difference between selves and each other:

Tom and Ann stood in front of the mirror and looked at themselves. (= Tom and Ann looked at Tom and Ann.) But: Tom looked at Ann; Ann looked at Tom.  They looked at each other.

You can use one another instead of each other.

For example:

How long have you and Bill known one another? (or known each other.)

Sue and Ann don't like each other, (or don't like one an­other.)


I- Complete the sentences with -selves or each other. 1-   How long have you and Bill known each other!

2.    If people work too hard, they can make ... ill.

3.    I need you and you need me. We need ....

4.    In Britain friends often give ... presents at Christmas.

5.    Some people are very selfish. They only think of... .

6.    Nora and I don't see ... very often these days.

7.    We couldn't get back into the house. We had locked ... out.

8.    They've had an argument. They are not speaking to ... at the moment.

9.    We'd never met before, so we introduced ... to ... . 2. Express surprise using each other.

Model: James and Philip, to be at the party. - James and Phillip were at the party. - Didn't they recognize each other?

1.    Alice, to meet John at the park, not to talk.

2.    Elsa, to come to see Richard, to tell the truth.

3.    Caroline and Mary, to do the translation, to help.

4.    Angela and Dick, to go to the party, to have fun.

5.    Alex and Barbara, to go for a walk to play badminton.

6.    Helen, to go to the station to meet Maggie, to find.

7.    Charlie, to talk to Fred, to understand.

8.    Elizabeth and Andrew, to speak on the phone, to hear.

9.    Natalie and Martin, to be friends, to love.

10.  John and Emily, to go to the South, to see.

Demonstrative pronouns

We use this and these to talk about things near the speaker. We use that and those to talk about things that are further away from the speaker.




this   / that


these / those

Both these pronouns can be used for persons and things.


1 Ask for precise information using this, these, that, those and

one or ones.

Remember that we use one instead of a singular noun (an old map - an old one); we use ones instead of a plural noun (the old maps - the old ones).

Model:    Dan, to want, a piece of cheese cake, large. - Dan

wants that piece of cheese cake.

- Do you mean the large one?

1.    Ada, to want, a photo, small.

2.   Andrew, to want, a cup of tea, large.

3.   Jack, to need, ties, grey.

4.    Barbara, to want, a skirt, black.

5.    Oliver, to need exercise books, thick.

6.    Alice, to need, boxes, yellow.

7.   James, to want, a toy, small.

8.   Robert, to want, a cup of coffee, black.

9.   Betty, to need, stamps, old.

10.  Grace, to want, apples, red.

11.  Phil, to need, a map, old.

2. Put this, these, it or they into the gaps. Model: A. Bob, this is my mother. B. Hello, Mrs Smith.

a.       Take ... bags into the kitchen.

b.      I don't like ... music.

c.       A. Is ... book John's? B. Yes,... is.

d.      A. Are ... books Mary's? B. Yes,... are.

e.       A. How much are ... glasses? B. ...'re cheap.

f-      A.... exercise is very easy. B. No,... isn't. ...'s difficult!

3- Put that, those, it or they into the gaps. 1       Is ... your brother over there? 2.      Look at... beautiful flowers!

3.       What's ... in your bag?

4.       Is ... house Ann's? Yes, ... is.

5.       Are ... boys your brothers? Yes, ... are.

6.       How much is... hi-fi? ...'s $350.

7.       Do you like ... shrimps? No, I don't. ...'re horrible.

Interrogative and Relative Pronouns

Interrogative Pronouns

Relative Pronouns


Who played football?

The boys who played football ... .


Whose article is this?


The writer whose article we are discussing ... .


What is he reading?

I don't know what he is reading.


When did it happen?


Nobody knows when it hap-



How did you do it?


She couldn't explain how she had done it.


How much time does it last?


They couldn't tell us how much time it lasted.


Which of these girls is her


The girl who works at the cafe is her sister.


Which do you play best, the piano or the accordion?

Is this the shop which stays open till eleven?


Which asks about things and people. We use which when  there is a limited (and often  very small) number of possible

answers to from.





Here's the bag that I found in the room.


The girl that you saw is our student.


We can use that instead of who or which but mostly we use that  to talk about things. Sometimes we use that to talk about people, but we use who much more often.


Relative Pronouns

We use who/that, which/that, and where to join sentences. / saw the girl. She works in the travel agency. I saw the girl who/that works in the travel agency.

Who/that = person/people

This is the book. It has the information.

This is the book which/that has the information. Which/that = thing/things

There is the house. John and Mary live in it.

There's the house where John and Mary live.

Where - place/places


1. Join the sentences with who, which, that or where.

1.       Jack wrote the letter. It arrived this morning ....

2.       There is the park. We play football in it ....

3.       Tom's a young man. He loves Ann ....

4.       This is the hotel. I always stay here ....

5.       Barbara's got a car. It's faster than yours ....

6.       I've got a niece. She lives in America ....

7.       Look at the pictures. They are on page 6 ....

2. Read about London and underline the relative pronouns. Check the meaning of new words in your dictionary.


London has a population of about 6,770,000. It lies on the river Thames, where the Romans landed nearly 2,000 years ago. From about 1800 until World War II, London was the biggest city in world, but now there are many cities which are much bigger. London is famous for many things. Tourists come from all over the world to visit its historic buildings, such as St. Paul's Cathedral, which has a huge dome, and the Houses of Parliament, where you can see and hear the famous clock, Big Ben. They also come to visit it's theatres, its museums and its many shops, such as Harrods, where you can buy anything.

Like many big cities London has problems with traffic and Pollution. Over 1,000,000 people a day use the London Under­ground but there are still too many cars on the streets. The air

isn't clean but it is cleaner than it was 100 years ago. Until the Clean Air act in 1956, London was famous for its fog or "smog" which is the mixture of smoke and fog.

The best thing about London is the parks. There are five in the city center. But my children's favorite place is Hamleys, which is the biggest toyshop in the world. It is 200 years old.

3. Link the following sentences with the correct relative pro­noun who, that, which, where.

1.       There is the boy. He broke the window.

2.       That's the palace. The Sultan lives in it.

3.       There are the policemen. They caught the thief.

4.       He gave her a watch. It stopped after two days.

5.       Here are the letters. They arrived this morning.

6.       That's the house. I was born in it.

7.       Where is the lady? She ordered the fish.

8.       The Red Lion is the pub. We met in it for a drink.

9.       Do you know the children? They live in that house.

10.     The clothes comes from Marks & Spencer. They are good quality.

2.   Read the following description of a town. Put who, which, or where into the gaps.

My Home Town

I was born in Newcastle, a city in the north-east of England. Newcastle is on the bank of the River Tyne, It is quite big, with a population of about 200,000 people. There is a cathedral and a university. There are five bridges over the River Tyne, ... link Newcastle to the next town, Gateshead, ... there is one of the biggest shopping centres in the world, the Metro Centre.

A few years ago, the main industries were shipbuilding and coalmining, but now the chemical and soap industries are more important.

I moved from Newcastle ten years ago but I often return. I miss the people, ... are so warm and friendly, and I miss the

wild, beautiful countryside near the city, ... there are so many hills'and streams.

People ... are born near the River Tyne have a special name. They are called "Geordies". I am very pleased to be a "Geordie"!

5 Put who, which, or that into the gaps. If it is possible to leave it out, put brackets around it. Model: He's the man who loves Anna. He's the man (who) Anna loves.

1.    The film star gave a party ... cost £ 10,000.

2.    The man ... you met at the party was a famous film star.

3.    What's the name of the lady wearing the gold dress?

4.    You're reading the book ... I wanted to read.

5.    There's someone at the door ... wants to speak to George.

6.    I don't like food ... is very spicy.

7.    That's the dictionary ... Bill gave me for my birth­day.

8.    Those are the cars ... only take unleaded petrol.

9.    Do you like the people ... Sarah invited to her party.

6.   Read the following text.

A Farewell to Diana

The tragic death of Diana, Princess of Wales, in a car crash last August, sent the world into mourning2.

It was only in death that the world realized how famous Diana, Princess of Wales, really was. All the years of fame while she was still alive, were as nothing compared to the media attention she received after her tragic death in a car accident in Paris, at the end

sent the world into mourning - повергла мир в траур

of August. Various epithets, like "Queen of Hearts" and 'The Peo­ple's Princess" have been applied to Diana.

The Diana "phenomenon" began 17 years ago, in 1980, when rumours began to circulate that she and the Prince of Wales were to marry. At that time, she was an unremarkable teacher in a London kindergarten, but she had many of the qualities essential for the wife of the heir to the throne. She was an aristocrat - her father was an earl, her mother was the daugh­ter of a baron - and her family's close ties with the Royal fam­ily went back centuries\ And she was young and attractive.

To the press and the public, this young woman was a wel­come change from the celebrities and politicians that they were used to. When the wedding took place in July 1981, it was watched by one billion people - a fifth of world's population.

By 1987, rumours that the marriage was in trouble had be­gun to circulate. They formally separated at the end of 1992.

In the months before her death, the media attention intensi­fied. Coverage4 of her relationship with Dodi al-Fyaed, the son of a wealthy Egyptian business-man, was splashed across Brit­ain's newspapers every day.

The accident that resulted in their deaths is one of the most widely reported events of the century.

Put questions to the text using interrogative pronouns.

7. In this exercise you have to explain what some words mean. Choose the right meaning from the box and then write a sen­tence with who. Use a dictionary if necessary.








steals from a shop








buys something from a shop

designs building

pays rent to live in a house

doesn't believe in God

or flat

is not brave

breaks into a house to steal




no longer works and gets


money from the state

1 go back centuries - уходить в далёкое прошлое 4 coverage, n - освещение в печати, по радио и т.д.

1. (an architect) .....An architect is someone who designs


2. (a burglar).........A burglar is someone.............................

3. (a customer).......................................................................

4. (a shoplifter).......................................................................

5. (a coward)..........................................................................

6. (an atheist)..........................................................................

7. (a pensioner)......................................................................

8. (a tenant)............................................................................

8.  Make one sentence from two. Use who/that/which.

1. A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital. The girl, who was injured in the accident, is now in hospital.

2. A man answered the phone. He told me you were away. The man..............................................................................

3. A waitress served us. She was very impolite and impatient. The.......................................................................................

4. A building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been rebuilt. The.......................................................................................

5. Some people were arrested. They have now been released. The.......................................................................................

6. A bus goes to the airport. It runs every half hour.


9.   Complete the sentences. Choose the most suitable ending from the box and make it into a relative clause.

he invented the telephone she runs away from home they are never on time they stole my car they were on the wall

it makes washing machines it gives you the meaning of words it won the race it can support life it cannot be explained

1. Barbara works for a company that makes washing machines.

2. The book is about a girl....................................................

3. What was the name of the horse......................................?

4. The police have caught the men........................................

5. Alexander Bell was the man..............................................

6. What's happened to the pictures.........

7. A mystery is something.......................

8. A dictionary is a book.........................

9.1 don't like people...............................

10. It seems that Earth is the only planet

10. Complete the sentences. Use the sentences in the box to make relative clauses with where.

I want to buy some postcards. Ann bought a dress in a shop. John is staying at a hotel.

I was born in a town. We want to have a really good meal We had the car repaired at a garage

1.1 recently went back to the town where I was born.

2. Do you know a restaurant.............................................

3. Is there a shop near here................................................

4.1 can't remember the name of the garage...........................

5. Do you know the name of the hotel...................................

6. Ann bought a dress which didn't fit her, so she took it back to the shop..........................................................................

11. Complete each sentence using who/whom/whose/where.

1. What's the name of the man whose car you borrowed?

2. A cemetery is a place ... people are buried.

3. A pacifist is a person ... believes that all wars are wrong.

4. An orphan is a child ... parents are dead.

5. The place ... we spent our holidays was really beautiful.

6. This school is only for children ... first language is not English.

7.1 don't know the name of the woman ... I spoke on the phone.

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